Awaiting the premiere of
A theme evening at hemgården in Långlöt 2024 01 12
Dear audience, thank you warmly for showing up, what a response!
And such an inspiring evening in the cosy Hemgården! Peter Aronsson provided the historical background to the Deer park on Öland. The lecture was followed by thought-provoking questions and input from the audience! There is no doubt that there is a living local tradition knit to the 230 years of oppression under the Deer park. And further research is needed. For coffee Dohyo Sol played and introduced his long-necked baroque lute, the theorbo. As a woman in the audience pointed out, it is strange to think that Queen Kristina, who lived well on the islanders' taxes in the 1660s, listened to this instrument in her palace during her exile in Rome. Now it's our turn. Warm thanks to Peter Aronsson, Dohyo Sol and staff at Hemgården in Långlöt.
Thank you kindly Borgholm municipality, Öland's Museum Himmelsberga and Öland's Hembygsförbund who made this evening possible.

Historian Peter Aronsson, Principal of The Linnaeus University, states that Ernst Areen's book on The royal Deer park on Öland still stands up well. But this year marks one hundred years since it was written. New research is needed!

Dohyo Sol, renowned specialist on Early music, spoke about the birth of the theorbo, and the rebirth of Musical Drama in Italy during the late 16th century. From this seed grew the operatic tradition as we know it today.
Photo: Oddbjörn Andersson
With the impressions from this inspiring evening Hans Gurstad-Nilsson now enters the final phase of his work with the choral drama Djurgården. Ahead lies the detailed work with text and music, preparation of the score, parts and eventually rehearsals with Vokalharmonin and the ensemble: Mika Takehara on percussion, Dohyo Sol, theorbo and Mats Wallin, clarinet.
All under the direction of Fredrik Malmberg, chief conductor of Eric Ericson's chamber choir, founder and artistic director of Vokalharmonin.
Thank you all for a wonderful evening!
Warmly welcome to the premiere of DJURGÅRDEN in Drabantsalen at Borgholm Castle on Sunday, May 12!
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